torsdag 13 september 2012

Liten ökning i AUN då BlackRock nu har 5%

Marginella depåförändringar
Ut från Cellcom på 7,99 USD med +/- 0 i vinst. In i Aurcana nu på 1.04-1.07. Tyvärr är aktierna i olika depåer vilket hindrar mig att öka mer i Aurcana än drygt 1300 aktier.

En ytterligare detalj som styrker mitt beslut att öka i Aurcana är att CEO Lenic nämnt i presentationen vid Denver Gold Forum som nyss varit, att BlackRock nu har 5% av Aurcana som de köpt över börsen. Ett mycket gott tecken.

Från Stockhouse angående Blackrock
"I think it is quite significant that Blackrock has had to go into the open market to pick up a 5% (20-25MM) share stake of Aurcana, in my opinion for three reasons:
1) Blackrock is known in the investement community as sharp cookies, so they have given a big seal of approval to Aurcana going forward as the "real deal".
2) It validates the hypothesis that the stock is being accumulated and will not be allowed to run to new highs until that accumulation process is complete.  The Cardinal is right;  AUN more than ever is an institutional stock, groomed for 10-20 baggers by the big fellows.
3) It provides a great signal that the company is not so willing to do PP's at cheap prices anymore.  I'm sure earlier this year or late last year, if Blackrock went to Lenic with a proposal to buy 25MM shares at a 20% discount to market, they would have been welcomed with open arms.
Hold on for the ride!  The stars are aligning - great silver market going forward, 10 MM Oz of pure silver production mined at low cost and, great institutional support.  Remember, do not sell prematurely.  This may be a once in the lifetime opportunity." Länk

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