torsdag 11 juli 2013

Aktier för 2013 enligt jordanfonden

Bra aktier för 2013 enligt Jordanfonden

Listan på de 14 aktier som Jordanfonden tror kommer att ha bäst procentuell utveckling fram till jul 2013. Bolag inom olja och guld är i fokus.

Informationstjänsten Jordanfonden med Nisse Sandberg har den 7 juli sammanställt en lista på 14 bra aktier som de tror kommer att ha bäst procentuell utveckling fram till jul 2013. Jordanfonden poängterar dock att man måste ha en tro på råvarorna som företagen jobbar med för att köpa aktierna.

Bolagen är uppdelade i tre grupper. Bolag aktiva inom olja respektive guld, samt bolag som Jordanfonden är involverade i. Inom parantes är aktiens tickerkod och siffrorna är priset som aktien hade när marknaden stängde i fredags.


Maurel & Prom International (MPI.PA) - 3,44
Petroamerica (PTA.V) - 0,26
Lundin Petroleum (LUPE.ST) - 135,00
Tethys Oil (TETY.ST) - 65,00
Ecopetrol (EC i USA) - 41,88
Grantierra (GTE.TO) - 6,40


Sandstorm Gold (SSL.TO) - 5,96
Semafo (SMF.ST) - 9,45
Shanta (SHG.L) - 9,05


Cassandra Oil (CASO.ST) - 27,30
Nexam (NEXAM.ST) - 6,80
Deflamo (DEFL-B.ST) - 0,76
Rentunder Holding (onoterat)
Sino Agro Food (SIAF i USA) - 0,358

Video om Sino Agro Food

Det är användaren "hyperboy262626" som gjort denna video liksom flera föregående.

Ökat pris på biffkött i Kina; SIAF

 China's taste for beef may spur Smithfield repeat

The growing taste of Chinese consumers for beef may herald a tie-up with a foreign export group, Rabobank said, even as Shuanghui International is undertaking the acquisition of US pork group Smithfield Foods.
China's beef imports have grown "astonishingly" this year, albeit from relatively low levels, jumping 10-fold in the January-to-April period compared with the same period of 2012, Rabobank said.
The strength of imports reflects the "imbalance between expanding consumption and stagnant production" which has sent retail beef prices soaring to $9.40 per kilogramme as of May, up 33% year on year.
Prices of fattened cattle are rising even faster, which illustrates the serious supply shortage".
Foreign deals?
The signing by Beijing of a memorandum of understanding over legal import of Indian buffalo meat, which has up to now been smuggled into the booming Chinese market, looks like heralding further deals.
"This signals that China will further open the door to imports from the global beef market," Rabobank said, adding that it could herald corporate activity too.
"This scenario may trigger interest from Chinese beef players in exporting companies and countries.
"Amidst these conditions, we cannot rule out the possibility that Chinese beef companies may seek partnerships with counterparts in important beef-producing countries.
Trade ties
Rabobank highlighted in particular Australia, the top exporter to China, as a likely target for Chinese interest.
Australia accounted for 47% of China's beef imports, by volume, in the January-to-April period, and its exporters "continue to move quickly to position themselves in the Chinese market", the bank said
Howver, Uruguay is "catching up rapidly" thanks to competitive prices, raising its market share to 25%.
Uruguay's exports to China in the year to May soared 480% to 33,000 tonnes.
New Zealand is another major exporter of beef to China, as it is of dairy products too.
Horsemeat scandal hangover
The comments came in a report in which Rabobank also flagged a boost to the European Union industry from the tightened food security measures which have followed the furore of horsemeat being passed off as beef.
"The impact of the horsemeat scandal has resulted in another price increase for cattle in the EU," hitting a record E4.44 per kilogramme in May, up 50% from a low in October 2010.
"The increase in prices has been supported by higher demand for beef from players having to replace horsemeat with real beef."
The quest for beef may also be behind a surge in EU imports from Brazil, up 42% to 25,500 tonnes in the year to May.

måndag 8 juli 2013


"Lucky Loser" på Sino Agro Foods sida på InvestorsHub har lagt upp en länk till PDF-dokument som beskriver erbjudande av Bond-finansiering för SIAF som nu erbjuds placerare


SIAF - försök till finansiering pågår

Foto på SIAF restaurangkedja "Leonie"

Företaget håller på arbetar för fullt med att ordna finansiering för resten av innevarande år.

Jag har tittat en del på rapporten för Q1 2013 och man hade enligt den 115,252,569 aktier helt utspädd per den 31 mars 2013. Mandatet för det betydande aktieslaget "common shares" är tydligen 130 000 000 aktier vad jag läst för närvarande.

EPS för Q1 var 1.14 USD per aktie. Och Q1 är inte det starkaste kvartalet, räknat på Q1 x 4 är EPS uppe i 0,56 USD att jämför med dagens kurs på 0,36 USD per aktie. 

Jag har framöver tänkt gå igenom Q1 resultatet, balansräkning och kassaflödesanalys för de uppgifter som finns från maj avseende Q1 2013, detta i väntan på mer info om BOND-finansiering och Q2 siffror som borde komma runt mitten av augusti.

söndag 7 juli 2013

Exempel på 3D printing

Denna notis visar möjligheterna och potentialen med tillämpningar av 3D printing

lördag 6 juli 2013

MIDAS letter om Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd

Breakthrough Omega-source food products to make any food a healthy, omega-rich choice.

"Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. has created a line of hemp-seed derived Omega-rich products that can be seen on shelves in mainstream western Canadian supermarkets at this point such as Save On Foods, Urban Fare, London Drugs, Marketplace IGA and Sobeys.
Sales in these stores are growing, and the number of stores expected to start carrying NS Hemp products is expected to rise throughout 2013. They recently signed on a national distributor to expand distribution across Canada.
But the really interesting differentiator for Naturally Splendid is its new product line upcoming, will allow hemp oil in aqueous and powder forms to be incorporated as a food additive to just about anything. Imagine “omega-rich” pizza, or omega-enriched bread and milk. Suddenly foods that traditionally have no omega essential fatty acid content can be a superb dietary source of omega 3 and 6 in exactly the right proportion for maximum dietary uptake. Its the twist to Naturally Splendid that makes the company’s ability to grow its bottom-line business exceptional."