söndag 9 juni 2013

Småbolagsdagen - imorgon på Sheraton Stockholm

Imorgon är det dags för småbolagsdagen där ett 40-50 tal bolag kommer presentera sig på Sheraton Stockholm. Programmet är kl 8-21 och kan följas på webben för intresserade men oanmälda.

Jag kommer sticka dit runt lunchtid och är speciellt intresserad av presentationen av Nexam men även Bioinvent, får se imorgon vilka fler jag kommer gå på.

Medverkande bolag.

Appar är en het och vinstgenererande bransch


 G5 Entertainments hemsida

Via efterforskningar på Arcam kom jag in på en blogg som heter Nordic Investor, bloggen följer förutom Arcam även G5 Entertainment som utvecklar appar, mobilspel för Android och IOS.

G5 Entertainment är noterad på aktietorget som är en börsplats med hög risk och hög chans. Många bolag där går med förlust och har gett förluster för ägarna, men ett fåtal bolag som G5 entertainment har hitills gått bra och det ser lovande ut framöver.

En annan sida med mer info om G5 Entertainment är G5 info - Allt om G5 Entertainment

För att undersöka mer om statistiken för apparna, t.ex. hur de säljer och laddas ner finns sidan App Annie - App Ranking,..

3D Printing - ARCAM mfl

Jag har sett Arcams starka kursutveckling, på över 700% på 12 månader, utan att ha varit insatt i bolagets verksamhet.

Nu lyssnade jag nyss på reklam från Motley Fool där de vill att man ska betala för att få förslag på aktier inom 3D Printing att inverstera i. Reklamen - länk.De hänvisar till David Gardner som nu tror på 3D Printing.

Jag är djupt imponerad av utvecklingen av Arcam, och om branschen ännu bara är i sin linda så är det inte för sent att hoppa på tåget "3D Printing". 

Hittade en gammal artikeln från december 2012 - som tar upp Arcam som en av de 4 aktieförslagen:

Top 4 Best 3D Printing Stocks to invest in…

  1.  Organovo Holdings, Inc.  (ONVO.PK)  is a promising bet in the Bio Printing arena develops NovoGen three-dimensional (3D) human tissue printing technology for creating tissue on demand for research and surgical applications. NovoGen’s 3D printing technology is a platform that works across various tissue and cell types, it was established in 2007 and is based in San Diego, California.
  2. Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) with a well balanced assortment of activities, is a provider of technologies, products, software solutions, and services to small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), large enterprises, including the Government, health and education sectors as well.
  3. 3D Systems (DDD) are into building 3D printers for last 25 years, I follow them but never recommended them, they can print composites, metal, or plastics, and they have a broad range of printers from personal to production, $ 8 million in debt and over $ 79 million in cash with a Market Cap of $ 900 million (Sexy Statistics Indeed)
  4. Sweden-based Arcam is  undeniably much smaller. According to Seeking Alpha, their market capitalization is only USD$46M, while Stratasys and 3D Systems USD$1,680M and USD$2,690M respectively. However, Arcam is viewed as a possible investment opportunity, and perhaps as an acquisition target by one of the other bigger players.

En lite nyare artikeln från 10 april i år rekommenderar även den 3D Systems mfl:

3 Stocks to Benefit From the 3D Printing Boom

Earnings overview
ExOne (NASDAQ: XONE) is a manufacturer and distributor of three-dimensional printers and printing accessories. It operates in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. It serves companies in various industries, supporting prototype, production, and other parts manufacturing.
It posted $12.7 million in revenue for the fourth quarter ending Dec. 31 last year. This is a huge growth of 370% from the same quarter the previous year. On this revenue, the company earned $900,000 in net income for the quarter.
This translates to roughly $0.07 in earnings per share for the company’s 13.8 million shares. Wall Street analysts were expecting $0.08 on a per share basis. The company lost about $10.7 million over the course of the year, though. Total revenue came in at $28.6 million as the new orders came in.
Operations breakdown

More than half of sales last year came from new machines. ExOne sold a total of 13 three-dimensional printing machines in 2012. The average price of each machine was $1.2 million. Because the company is so small, it benefits drastically from a slight increase in sales. If just one more printer is sold, the overall revenue could grow by a potential 4.2%.
46% of all sales were for printing supplies. As more printers are sold, supplies sales will grow. It makes sense that more revenue would come from printers at the beginning. Residual revenue will be made primarily from supplies, while one-time large revenue will be earned from actual printers. As the capabilities of three-dimensional printing become popular, this company will continue to see higher revenue.
Also, gross margins improved from 23.8% in 2011 to 42.4% in 2012. This is largely due to the increase in printer sales. The company has higher margins on the total machine than it does on accessories and supplies.
As the market and demand for three-dimensional printers grows this year, so will the stock price of this company. A one-year price target is over 10% higher than its current valuation. But this will happen only if the company can manage growth and enter in to full-year profitability.
It will have to face competition, as well.

3D Systems (NYSE: DDD)
3D Systems offers three-dimensional printing to both companies and consumers. It has national distribution and offers ancillary services around prototyping, product building, and other manufacturing.
This company has been the market leader for 3D printing and witnessed rapid growth in 2012. Its revenue grew 53% to $353 million for the year. Its net income increased even more, jumping to $67.9 million. This represents a gross margin of 51.34% for the trailing twelve months. It is higher than ExOne due to its longer operations and better position in the market.
The company has had such strong growth that investors are worried about sustainability. Management announced an expected growth of 24% next year. This is on track with industry growth. While impressive, if the company only maintains 24% growth, it is barely keeping up. Still, this company is rated as a strong buy. It is an industry leader in a growing industry. It may lose potential market share to companies like ExOne, but it will still grow for the next few years.
Stratasys (NASDAQ: SSYS)
Stratasys is the second largest company in this industry, right behind 3D Systems. For 2012, the company saw revenue growth of 30%. This is the lowest revenue growth of the group. But, it may have the ability to continue at a stable growth rate for the next few years.
Its gross margins are also strong at 51%. After the Objet merger, the company’s market cap grew by about $1.4 billion. With this merger having been completed, full year revenue is expected to be $420 million this year, a major jump from last year’s $215 million.
Because of the company’s steady growth in the past and new size due to its acquisition activities, the stock has a large upside potential this year.
This industry is likely to grow 25% annually for the next six years. Global 3D printing will be a $3.1 billion industry by 2016 and near $20 billion by 2020. This is a great industry for investors to take a look as it rapidly grows and becomes a game changer. 
The right pick
Investors really can't go too wrong with any of these stocks. ExOne is new and exciting, and has a lot of growth potential. But, with a fresh IPO, there is some inherent price and control risk. Stratasys will see some excellent growth after its merger, and may take away market share from the leader -- 3D Systems.
My pick for this lot is 3D Systems. It is the most established and has steady growth. The company serves both companies and individuals, so it is slightly more diversified. It will likely lose some market share in the next year, but total industry growth will more than make up for it.

Handelsbankens analys från igår av LUPE

Brynhild och Edvard Grieg utvecklas i rätt riktning

En av de viktigaste slutsatserna från Handelsbankens senaste möte med Lundin Petroleum var att de tre utbyggnadssprojekten, Brynhild (startar produktion 2013), Bøyla (2014) och Edvard Grieg (2015) fortlöper enligt plan. Därtill är dessa mindre påverkade av den omdiskuterade kostnadsinflationen på den norska kontinentalsockeln som en följd av tidigare kontrakt och en stor andel fasta kostnader. På Brynhild och Edvard Grieg, där Lundin Petroleum är operatör, tyder mycket på att kostnaderna kommer bli lägre än budgeterat.

De föreslagna skatteförändringarna i Norge (se tidigare analys) kommer inte påverka Brynhild, Bøyla och Edvard Grieg. Däremot väntas projektet i det gigantiska oljefältet Johan Sverdrup påverkas negativt med cirka 2 procent, motsvarande 1,80 kronor per aktie i Handelsbankens värdering.

Vidare uppskattar Handelsbanken effekten på övriga investeringar i tillgångsportföljen, vilka inte längre blir avdragsgilla, till 0,90 kronor per aktie. Bolaget har ett stort prospekteringsprogram och säger att de inte kommer att minska aktiviteten även om oljepriset skulle sjunka avsevärt från nuvarande nivå. Målsättningen är att hitta ytterligare ett kärnområde, likt vad det byggt upp på Utsira High, som bland annat innefattar Johan Sverdrup.

De projekt som kommer i drift 2013-15 kommer att fördubbla Lundin Petroleums nuvarande produktion och bör dessutom öka kassaflöde och lönsamheten avsevärt. När Johan Sverdrup sedan kommer i drift (planerad produktionsstart 2018) motsvarar produktionspotentialen en fyrdubbling av dagens produktionsnivå.

Handelsbanken bedömer att de långsiktiga utsikterna för Lundin Petroleum är ljusa givet attraktiva positioner inom flera intressanta områden,  huvudsakligen i Norge. Sentimentet runt aktien har varit relativt svagt mot bakgrund av makroekonomisk oro och det sjunkande oljepriset.

"Vi prognostiserar ett relatvit stabilt oljepris runt 105-109 dollar per fat under 2013-15 och räknar med att ett positivt nyhetsflöde kring bolagets prospekteringsprogram kommer att driva aktiekursen", skriver Handelsbanken.
Handelsbanken upprepar sin öka-rekommendation.

lördag 8 juni 2013

Silverproducenter i Mexico - artikeln nämner Aurcana & Avino mfl

Emerging Silver Producers in Mexico

Emerging Silver Producers in Mexico
Silver mining in Mexico is on the rise, and many hopefuls are flocking to the country to try their luck. Here’s a look at five such companies. 
Canada’s Aurcana (TSXV:AUN) owns 99.9 percent of the La Negra silver-copper-lead-zinc mine, which is located in Queretaro State, Mexico. As of 2009, La Negra was milling 1,000 metric tons (MT) per day, a number that jumped to 2,500 MT per day in 2012. This year, Aurcana expects to reach 3,000 MT per day. While exploration is ongoing at La Negra, a report from August 2012 identified 115 million ounces of measured and indicated silver underground. This news changed the mine’s life to at least 30 years.
Avino Silver & Gold Mines (TSXV:ASM), also based in Canada, has 99.28-percent ownership of the Avino mine in the heart of the Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt. The mine was discovered in the 1500s and has been in operation, on and off, ever since. The mine has been owned by Avino since 1974, though production shut down in 2001 as a result of low silver prices and the closure of a key smelter. Avino has since reopened the mine. The San Gonzalo zone achieved full-time production in October 2012, while the company is exploring new zones in the area that were discovered in 2011.
Formerly a subsidiary of NSGold (TSXV:NSX), NSX Silver (TSXV:NSYis currently actively mining the Dios Padre mine, located in the Eastern Sierra Madre mountain range about midway between Hermosillo and Chihuahua in East-Central Sonora. NSX believes that the Dios Padre property’s exploration potential is excellent, particularly in the breccia body. The property has been mined since the 17th century and hosts high-grade silver mineralization. Pilot tests have already demonstrated that the property responds well to conventional milling and flotation, yielding a concentrate with 87-percent recovery of silver.
Gold and silver producer Silvermex Resources (TSX:SLX)‘s primary asset is La Guitarra, a property located in the Temascaltepec mining district of Central Mexico. The property, along with the company, was absorbed by First Majestic Silver (TSX:FR,NYSE:AG) in July 2012. The mine covers 98,135 acres and has been mined since the 15th century. Recently, the company completed an expansion program, increasing its silver production capacity by 40 percent, to 500 MT per day. Further planning is currently underway to increase production to as much as 1,000 MT per day. The mine consists of two underground operation centers and a flotation mill.
Vancouver-based Kootenay Silver (TSXV:KTN) is currently exploring its Promontorio mine in Sonora, Mexico; the company recently discovered that the mine contains 92 million silver equivalent (AuEq) ounces. The mine is made up of approximately 197,684 acres and contains an estimated 44.5 million MT grading an average of 64.32 g/t AuEq. Exploration of the area indicates that as many as 92 million ounces of AuEq could be available, with an additional 24 million ounces categorized as “inferred.” The company is approaching a milestone of 1 million ounces of AuEq mined.

onsdag 5 juni 2013

Petroamerica intressant oljebolag i colombia

Bolaget startade igår ny borrning - Se pressreleasen

Man har ny presentation ute för juni

4 Silver Juniors to Watch

4 Silver Juniors to Watch

At last week’s World Resource Investment Conference, hosted by Cambridge House International in Vancouver, Canada, Rick Rule4, chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments, hosted a seminar titled Exploration: The Next Frontier. As the name suggests, he and panelists Brent Cook5, John Kaiser6, Lawrence Roulston7 and Jordan Roy-Byrne8 spent part of the allotted time discussing which junior resource companies they believe investors should keep an eye on.

 Below, in no particular order, are four of the silver juniors mentioned by the panelists.

Reservoir Minerals (TSXV:RMC10) is currently exploring in Cameroon and Gabon in Africa as well as at six sites in Serbia. While the majority of its properties center on gold11, its Parlozi project, located in Serbia, contains high-grade silver mineralization that is associated with lead12 and zinc13 sulfides and is comparable to Trepca-type and Mexico-Peru cordilleran skarn/manto deposits, according to the company’s website. Its Bobija project, also in Serbia, may contain high-grade lead, zinc and silver mineralization as well.

Perhaps most significantly, Reservoir’s Timok gold-copper14-molybdenum15 project in Eastern Serbia is a joint venture with Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (NYSE:FCX16), which is the project operator. Freeport has exercised its option to fund all exploration work at Timok until a bankable feasibility project is completed, according to Reservoir’s website. The company’s most recent news release17 states that it intersected 291.3 meters grading 7.17-percent copper equivalent at the project.

Based in Canada, Dolly Varden Silver (TSXV:DV18is focused on developing its Dolly Varden Silver Mines property, which is located in Northwest British Columbia and hosts four historical deposits. The company describes it as an advanced-stage property and notes on its website that a historic resource estimate completed in 1986 estimates that it holds 5.7 million proven and probable ounces of silver. It intends to confirm that estimate, reclassify it as current and “expand the resource to a target of 40 to 50 million ounces of silver.”

In April, Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL19), a strategic investor in Dolly Varden, paid $2.7 million to maintain its 19.94-percent interest in the company. John King Burns, chairman of Dolly Varden, commented that Hecla’s continued investment “is a testament to … the prospects of [the] Dolly Varden property.” He also noted that the company’s plans for this spring and summer are to define a high-grade silver resource at the project’s four deposits and identify an “Eskay Creek-type VMS deposit” at the Red Point target, which is northwest of the existing mines.

Bear Creek Mining’s (TSXV:BCM20two main projects are Corani and Santa Ana, which are located in Peru and together contain over 500 million ounces of silver, 330 million of which are in reserves. Feasibility studies have been conducted for both projects; Corani’s shows that the deposit contains proven and probable mineral reserves of 270 million ounces of silver, 3.1 billion pounds of lead and 1.7 billion pounds of zinc, while Santa Ana’s shows that the deposit holds proven and probable mineral reserves of 63.2 million ounces of silver.

In June 2011, the Peruvian government reversed21 the decree that granted Bear Creek the mineral concessions that cover the Santa Ana project. While a judge dismissed22 that suit in February of this year, Peru’s Ministry of Energy and Mines has appealed that decision; the company hopes to reach a negotiated settlement regarding the project.

On a brighter note, Bear Creek reported in April the successful completion of a public hearing required for its Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). That means that the surrounding community strongly supports the project and the company is on track to receive ESIA approval by the end of the year.

Also mentioned at the seminar was Riverside Resources (TSXV:RRI23), a prospect generator with a number of gold, silver and copper projects. It is covered in 5 Gold Juniors to Watch24, published last week on Gold Investing News.