tisdag 4 december 2012

Jeffrey Gundlach, who sees bleak financial times ahead, is the co-founder of DoubleLine Capital.

Fifty billion dollars still sounds like a bunch of money to us. Of course in a day and age when big money managers can attract as much as a trillion dollars, that kind of puts it into perspective.
Bloomberg spent a lot of time this weekend looking at Jeffrey Gundlach and Bloomberg known for its quick/short articles, spent the equivalent of 12 pages on this individ- ual, so obviously there are some people listening to this investor who has made some very interesting calls over the last few years. Like buying mortgage-backed securi- ties right at the bottom of the collapse in housing in the United States.
Gundlach is basically saying that down the road, infla- tion will be back and hard assets will benefit...and for many of us in the beaten up natural gas sector, some of what he is saying sounds a little hopeful to us.
Bloomberg writes, “The co-founder and chief executive officer of DoubleLine Capital LP explains that the first phase of the coming debacle consisted of a 27-year buildup of corporate, personal and sovereign debt. That lasted until 2008, when unfettered lending finally toppled banks and pushed the global economy into a recession, spurring governments and central banks to spend trillions of dollars to stimulate growth...”
“In the ominous third phase” Bloomberg writes, Gund- lach is predicting another crisis: “Deeply indebted coun- tries and companies, which Gundlach doesn’t name, will default sometime after 2013. Central banks may forestall these defaults by pumping even more money into the economy -- at the risk of higher inflation in coming years.”
“Gundlach doesn’t know when the third phase will get here, but he tells his audience they need to gradually get ready for it.”
And again, his whole suggestion is some day, the mar- kets just go—kaboom and you want to be, he suggests, in certain sectors.
He recommends buying hard assets. Gemstones, Art and Commercial Real Estate are high on his list and in his DoubleLine Fund, has also been buying the stocks of Chi- nese companies, U.S. natural gas producers and gold- mining firms because it considers them to be bargains.
If you have time, Google, “Bond Investor Gundlach buys stocks, sees kaboom ahead.”

måndag 3 december 2012

Sino Agro Food ett steg närmare OMX Nasdaq First North

Man har utnämt EPB till financial advisor


söndag 2 december 2012

Jämförelse av värdering av Silverbolagen & APE

Taget från Apogee Silvers november presentation

Apogee Silver (APE:TSV)

Jag ligger själv som bekant tung i Aurcana, äger inga Avino för tillfället men efter Aurcana är Avino silver and goldmines det silverbolag som jag är mest positiv till och sugen att ta in i portföljen.

Arian Silver har jag spanat på men valt bort för Aurcana, men Arian förefaller vara ett prisvärt köp med verksamheten i Mexico, har inte full koll på deras ekonomi just nu dock.

För den som vill ta mindre risk men tror på silver framöver är First Majestic förmodligen det klockrena köpet, om inte Aurcana förstås.

Apogee silver är lågt värderat, men det kan förklaras av den höga politiska risken i Bolivia.
Bear Creek har för nåt år sedan fått tillgångar konfiskerade av Bolivias regering.

Det är fullt möjligt att Apogee får behålla sina tillgångar så länge de förblir av "mindre betydelse" ur ett nationellt mining-perspektiv. Säg att politiken förändrats om ett antal år och företaget enl. plan uppnått fullskalig produktion 2014-2015

France Telecom utdelning historiskt & framöver

På grund av dålig marknad i år och nästa år har man bestämt en minimum utdelning på 0.8 USD, dvs lite drygt 8% för 2013-2014

Utdelningen var mer än dubblan för 2012: nästan 1.8 USD

France Telecom tror på vändning åter till tillväxt 2014. Jag behåller mina France Telecom som nu ligger ca -20%, och kommer köpa mer om kursen faller överdrivet mycket.

Historiken är också bra, åren 1998-2012:

Yahoo Finance - Historisk utdelning 

DateOpenHighLowCloseVolumeAdj Close*
Sep 4, 20120.709 Dividend
Jun 5, 20121.049 Dividend
Aug 31, 20110.85 Dividend
Jun 7, 20111.169 Dividend
Aug 25, 20100.794 Dividend
Jun 9, 20101.015 Dividend
Aug 25, 20090.848 Dividend
May 28, 20091.12 Dividend
Sep 8, 20080.883 Dividend
May 29, 20081.891 Dividend
Jun 4, 20071.631 Dividend
May 5, 20061.244 Dividend
May 31, 20050.606 Dividend
May 5, 20040.299 Dividend
Apr 15, 20040.683 Dividend
Apr 15, 20032.756 Dividend
Mar 26, 20030.21 Dividend
May 30, 20020.912 Dividend
Jun 12, 20010.86 Dividend
Jun 20, 20000.953 Dividend
Jun 15, 20000.218 Dividend
Jun 15, 19991.033 Dividend
Dec 7, 19980.23 Dividend
Jun 15, 19981.07 Dividend

fredag 30 november 2012

DetNor likt lupe klockren på 1-10 års sikt

Det Norske’s Outgoing CEO Sees Value Doubling on Output Surge
By Mikael Holter
november 19, 2012 11:10 fm

Det Norske Oljeselskap ASA (DETNOR) outgoing Chief Executive Officer Erik Haugane said the shares will double by 2015 as reserve estimates are set for the Johan Sverdup oilfield and the company becomes a full-fledged producer.

The 59-year-old, who will next year step down as CEO of the company he founded in 2001, said he will remain a shareholder through his investment company, Koerven AS, which holds 724,414 shares. That represents 0.57 percent of the Trondheim-based company, which is valued at 10.3 billion kroner ($1.8 billion).

“A good deal of the market has short-term investment horizons,” he said in an interview. “I’m at least going to make sure I’m sitting with quite a few shares since I know the upturn is coming.”

The stock has already more than tripled since the company announced the first find on its side of what is now known as the Johan Sverdrup field, which may hold 3.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent. Statoil ASA (STL), which owns 40 percent of both blocks that contain the field, has said new reserve estimates will be released early next year, while a development plan is due in 2014 and an output start in 2018.
Det Norske is transforming itself from an exploration company into an oil producer as pumping is scheduled from fields such as Jette in March next year and Ivar Aasen in 2016. Ivar Aasen, of which Det Norske holds 35 percent, could yield 25,000 barrels of oil a day at its peak in 2018, compared to the company’s output of about 800 barrels of oil equivalent a day in the third quarter, according to its website.

By 2014, when the Sverdrup plan is released and Aasen is two years away from production, it will be “sufficiently short- term for the markets to start to react,” he said.
Swedbank First Securities analyst Teodor Sveen Nilsen, who has a buy recommendation and a target price of 130 kroner, estimated the company’s production will grow to as much as 26,000 barrels a day in 2017 and more than 80,000 barrels a day in 2021.
The shares have dropped from a record close of 98.5 kroner on Sept. 14 to 81.25 kroner as of the 4:30 p.m. close in Oslo.
Det Norske said in October that Haugane would leave after a mutual agreement. Aker ASA (AKER), the biggest owner with 49.99 percent of the shares, said the company needed to improve operationally and strengthen its team in order to become a full oil producer.

Det Norske took a 1.9 billion write-down on the North Sea Jette project in the third quarter after technical problems with a production well. Chairman Svein Aaser said in an interview that organizational changes could in hindsight have been made before the development of the field started.

Haugane said his stepping down had nothing to do with Jette since the departure had been agreed on before the difficulties. He said he would now seek to sit on boards at Norwegian companies and would be unlikely to seek an executive post at a rival company. Det Norske will also likely be his only investment, he said.
“I’m not an investor type,” he said. “It’s not very exciting.”

torsdag 29 november 2012

Fondförvaltaren Adrian Day köper i SIAF

Detta är goda nyheter. Ett gott tecken i dessa tider när många är skeptiska och misstror Kinesiska företag noterade i USA.

Om SIAF inte är ett bluff-företaget gäller "the sky is the limit", med ett P/E nu på under 1 för innevarande års resultat, samt att företaget förväntas bli starkt kassaflödespositivt år 2014.

AD: I agree. I like to quote Mark Mobius: "I think China is still flying." We buy very few Chinese companies. We are concerned about the books and local government interference with businesses. One we have bought recently is Sino Agro Foods Inc. (SIAF:OTCBB), a dairy company. It trades on the OTC and it's extraordinarily cheap.

The Gold report - Adrian Day

Nils Erik Sandberg (Nisse) på JF tar plats i SIAF styrelse

On November 22, 2012, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Sino Agro Food, Inc. (the "Company") appointed George Yap and Nils Erik Sandberg as non-employee directors of the Company commencing January 1, 2013
