Happy New Year!
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I extend my warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to all, and blessings upon your families and your ambitions.
These are exciting times for Sino Agro Food, approaching Chinese New Year and beyond.
During our recent Investor Tour, I was able to reflect upon the achievements of 2013, many of which are the seeds that will blossom into flowers in 2014. SJAP facilities grew exponentially in 2013, primarily with the abattoir being built on time, and spearheading the Dragon Head status. The natural progression of this investment in 2013 will enhance the character of this important subsidiary, such that we will become a fully integrated producer and marketer of retail beef products, furthering the company's "farm to plate" concept.
Prawn Farm II also saw impressive growth in 2013, while Fish Farm I approached capacity production in 2013, both serving as demonstrations of concept, leading to the likelihood of much bigger projects in 2014.
Additionally 2013 realized the infrastructure build out of the distribution and import-export businesses through which we will progressively increase traffic in 2014.
In these examples, we are ahead of the original five-year plan, as we turn to its final year.
We continue to perform well with sales, net assets and EBITDA growth again in 2013. We have quality income-generating assets and we continue to generate high gross margins.
Our board assessment of enterprise value based on the sum of our parts valuation confirms that our realizable fair value in cash flow terms is greater than that of our whole company. We aim to unlock the inherent higher valuation in a responsible way. We have several initiatives underway to do so.
Strong recurring income from product sales underscores the capacity to use debt now; meanwhile, we expect our engineering and consulting income to continue to contribute at least 20% of total income going forward.
We seek a NASDAQ listing in 2014, and immediately will seek a dual listing on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Our IR/PR will launch new communications initiatives reinforcing SIAF's value propositions, supplemented by new IR/PR in Sweden.
So I am quite gratified with the support of our stakeholders, and wish to take this opportunity to thank all, and to pledge my tireless and confident work toward rewards for all.
Solomon Lee, CEO
Sino Agro Food, Inc.
Lite reflektioner och kommentarer till Solomons nyårshälsning är på sin plats.
Som Solomin skriver så tror jag att 2014 blir ett spännande år med tillväxt och utveckling för Sino Agro Food:
"During our recent Investor Tour, I was able to reflect upon the achievements of 2013, many of which are the seeds that will blossom into flowers in 2014."
Tänk på potentialen med fisk- och räkfarmarna. De som bolaget har nu är ju demo-anläggningar som ska visa upp att "tekniken" fungerar samtidigt som ska kunna generera ett positivt kassaflöde till bolaget. Men säg att Sino Agro Food får ett sammarbetsavtal, ett JV, med en kapitalstark partner, och aggressivt öppnar upp storskalig odling av räkor och fisk av toppkvalite. Där talar vi om potential för höjd omsättning, vinst och rejäl uppvärdering av aktien! Vilken möjlighet som finns i detta!!! Som Solomon skriver:
"Prawn Farm II also saw impressive growth in 2013, while Fish Farm I approached capacity production in 2013, both serving as demonstrations of concept, leading to the likelihood of much bigger projects in 2014."
Angående hur starkt undervärderat bolaget Sino Agro Food är och målet att förändra detta så att SIAF värderas mer "rimligt" på aktiemarknaden så skriver Solomon:
"Our board assessment of enterprise value based on the sum of our parts valuation confirms that our realizable fair value in cash flow terms is greater than that of our whole company. We aim to unlock the inherent higher valuation in a responsible way. We have several initiatives underway to do so."
Målet är också att bolaget ska parallellnoteras 2014 på Nasdaq i USA och Stockholm:
"We seek a NASDAQ listing in 2014, and immediately will seek a dual listing on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm."
Avslutningsvis så nämner Solomon att IR/PR ska förbättra kvaliteten på informationen från bolaget till media och allmänheten framöver genom det nystartade Svenska dotterbolaget:
"Our IR/PR will launch new communications initiatives reinforcing SIAF's value propositions, supplemented by new IR/PR in Sweden."
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