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måndag 4 mars 2013
måndag 11 februari 2013
Aurcana utökar La Negra och hittat lite guldhalter
Aurcana har släppt PR (se länk nedan för PDF) med info om man hittat lite guldhalter förutom Silver-, zink- och blyhalter Nordväst och Nordöst om La Negra gruvan.
Mr. Lenic Rodriguez, Aurcana’s President & CEO, states:" We are very pleased to report today significant exploration results and new discoveries at La Negra. The presence of gold associated with strong silver, zinc and lead values in new areas tested is very encouraging. While historically gold production has not been a major source of revenue at La Negra, and the potential economic significance of these results is not known, these results are of strong interest to us. The ramp-up at Shafter, increase in mining capacity at La Negra and excellent exploration results, are indeed exciting times for Aurcana."
• Zona Aurifera I, returned strong assay values including: o 15.3 gm/t Au and 261 gm/t Ag;
o 12 gm/t Au and 105 gm/t Ag;
o 10.0 gm/t Au and 381 gm/t Ag;
• Zona Aurifera II also returned strong assay values including: o 2.8 gm/t Au and 229 gm/t Ag;
o 2.4 gm/t Au and 307 gm/t Ag;
Observera speciellt de avslutande orden i nyheten:
"The potential for extensions of these resources in the upper portion of the mountain and the deep extensions have not been pursued since Aurcana acquired the property. As such, these results are seen to be a step towards recognizing the greater potential of the La Negra mineralized zones."
Bolaget tror alltså att detta tyder på att La Negra i själva verket kan vara mycket större än vad den nu är uppmätt. Att detta är ett första steg mot att avtäcka den större potentialen hos La Negra.
Aurcana news release - 11-02-2013
• Zona Aurifera I, returned strong assay values including: o 15.3 gm/t Au and 261 gm/t Ag;
o 12 gm/t Au and 105 gm/t Ag;
o 10.0 gm/t Au and 381 gm/t Ag;
• Zona Aurifera II also returned strong assay values including: o 2.8 gm/t Au and 229 gm/t Ag;
o 2.4 gm/t Au and 307 gm/t Ag;
Observera speciellt de avslutande orden i nyheten:
"The potential for extensions of these resources in the upper portion of the mountain and the deep extensions have not been pursued since Aurcana acquired the property. As such, these results are seen to be a step towards recognizing the greater potential of the La Negra mineralized zones."
Bolaget tror alltså att detta tyder på att La Negra i själva verket kan vara mycket större än vad den nu är uppmätt. Att detta är ett första steg mot att avtäcka den större potentialen hos La Negra.
Aurcana news release - 11-02-2013
söndag 10 februari 2013
Trader Dan - mycket bra inlägg om ekonominska krisen
Federal Reserve Balance Sheet - A Proxy for US Equity Markets
Note that I am only using the total of their Securities holdings and not the entirety of the data that goes into constructing the overall size of the balance sheet. In other words, I am excluding loans from the Discount Window, swaps and other assets that go into making up the entirety of their available credit. In other words, I am being "conservative". If you take those other factors into account, the size of the balance sheet of the Fed is already over $3 TRILLION!
Even at this, it still provides a
very compelling picture of why US equities continue to plumb new highs
nearly month after month in spite of the anemic at best growth in the
underlying economy.
I maintain that the Fed has
engineered one of the most massive bouts of INFLATION in the STOCK
MARKET since its inception a century ago. Can you see the connection
between the overall size of the Fed's Balance Sheet and the level of the
S&P 500?
This is by design of course since in
our new, modern age of ignorance, these monetary wizards believe that
they can create lasting prosperity by forcing untold amounts of freshly
minted liquidity into stocks jamming those prices higher and thereby
influencing consumer sentiment. A rising stock market provides cover for
all manner of other economic woes, and political woes, I might add. The
low information citizen takes one look over at the DOW or the S&P
500 and then falsely assumes that all is well with the world and then
goes about his or her business without delving any deeper into these
matters. This is of course further propagated by the blind lemmings who
constitute the majority of analysts out there on financial TV who
breathlessly talk about the wonderful rally in stocks heralding the
beginning of solid, sustained economy vitality. Idiots! (Sorry, I could
not help myself on this one).
The opposite is true when stock
prices are collapsing. Consumers begin to move from concern, to worry,
to fear and to outright panic and then most worrisome to the elites,
anger as they look for scapegoats.
As I have stated many times now on
this site, if it was this easy to create prosperity, it would have been
figured out a long, long time ago by previous generations, which unlike
this current one, were actually capable of critical analysis. Let's call
this current Federal Reserve strategy: "PROSPERITY IN A BOTTLE". It is
akin to a cologne for men. Just splash some on and forego the shower for
the time being as the aroma masks the smell from a day's perspiration.
What the Fed has done is to cover up
the stench from the debt overload and rampant speculation its policies
have created in our financial system. The deeply-rooted structural
issues have been left unblemished in their vigor.
Do not forget this one thing - ultra low interest rates benefit TWO GROUPS at the EXPENSE OF SAVERS.
FIRST - the borrower and
SECOND - the large speculator/hedge
fund which borrows money for basically no cost and then LEVERAGES that
money in speculative bets. Where do you think all that liquidity that
the Fed has shoved into the marketplace has gone???? the answer - into
Lastly, here is one more look at the
level of the S&P 500 seen through the prism of gold. First look at
the S&P in NOMINAL TERMS. Note that the Fed's machinations have
jammed it to within a whisker's breadth of its all time CLOSING HIGH
made back in late 2007 just before the bottom dropped out of the index
and it lost 50% of its value over the next year and a half. "Wonderful,
Superb, Splendid, Impressive" all are adjectives being used to describe
the "recovery" in stock prices.
Now take a look at the same chart
when the price level of the S&P 500 index is compared to the value
of one ounce of gold. Note that "recovery" seen in the nominal index off
the 2009 low doesn't seem like all that much now does it? Translation
from all this - Fed induced RAMPANT INFLATION OF PAPER ASSETS; nothing
more. Traders of course can go with the flow of money into equities as
long as they do not mistake this equity rally as the herald of a new era
of lasting prosperity. When the music finally does stop, and the
players rush to find their chairs, many are going to be left standing
looking for a place to sit and coming up empty.
fredag 8 februari 2013
Gårdagens Late edition om guld i Sydafrika
Last year we saw the immense magnitude of fiscal irre- sponsibility from the majority of government’s which caused immense market turmoil. This year, investors are looking to these governments as to how they will eliminate, or at least slow down, the degree of deterioration happen- ing, specifically getting their debt levels under control. Lit- tle’s been done by any of them, be they in Europe or the US as it has been mostly chatter to date.
With all the money governments are printing, gold bugs have been disappointed that the price of gold has not cata- pulted into the $2000 to $3000 range or higher. When you look at the 5 year chart, gold has been a great hedge against the markets, just not as much as the gold bugs would like as conspiracy theories abound. Now if you have invested in gold companies, you have truly been disappointed as they have in no way mirrored what gold has done as these charts show. Standard issues mining companies face include con- trolling costs, commodity price fluctuations and environ- mental issues to name but a few
(T-IMG) $8.74 +0.09 (T-SMF) $2.83 -0.03 (T-ORE) $1.58 -0.04 (V-RVS) $0.425 -0.01 (V-AGG) $0.17 -0.015 (T-VTR) $0.40 -0.02
One area of the world that used to be a hot bed for gold was Africa and African gold companies will likely continue to face severe challenges...where’s the bottom?
Mining industry big-wigs gather in Cape Town, South Africa this week between Feb 4th to 7th for the 19th an- nual “African Mining Indaba”, billed as the “world’s larg- est mining investment conference.” There will be a lot of discussion on social and environmental issues, so much so, due to the recent deterioration of conditions, the final day of the event is devoted to this.
According to US broker JP Morgan (JPM), Africa’s mining industry (specifically the South) is in crisis with its gold producers facing another tough year.
In an overview of the sector this past Monday, JPM said it can see few catalysts for a rise in the valuations of major South African gold miners even though it expects the price of gold to rise steadily over the year.
There’s a migration out of South Africa towards West Africa, even though it’s more virgin territory. While the grade of the gold in West Africa is not as high as in South Africa, there are other big advantages. Government rela- tions are better, labour conflicts are fewer, taxes and roy- alties are often lower and costs are more predictable.
Mining production in South Africa is falling steeply with a 13-per-cent decline last year alone and new inves- tors are looking to West Africa instead. Burkina Faso (West Africa) has a reputation for political stability with the same authoritarian government in power since 1987. But there could be cracks in that stability.
JPM expects the gold price to trade up toward $1,800/ oz by mid-year and average US$1,763 over the year. When we asked our Nicholas Campbell what his thoughts were on a recent report from Credit Suisse that discussed, “Gold, the end of an era?” he doesn’t buy it. Nicholas tells us, “I don’t really think it is an end of the era for gold. If anything, we continue to see everybody trying to devalue their currencies and that should be supportive for gold.
The other thing is Central Banks continue to be signifi- cant net buyers of gold and again, that’s going to have an impact in the gold market. There is a lot of physical gold that’s going to get moved around in the next year or so, as an example, you have Germany repatriating all or most of its gold. That suggests to me that gold is in demand. Now can gold go down? Absolutely it can. Are we going to see new highs this year? I don’t know, but generally speaking the whole reason why we’ve been bullish on gold has been because of the amount of money that’s been pumped into the system.
The other aspect is obviously the devaluation of cur- rencies in general and improved outlook for gold as an alternative currency which I think is supported by the Central Banks continuing to add to their holdings.
Some African specific issues include:
• “He who has the biggest gun has the power”. This is why one of my clients in the Canadian military won’t go near anything associated with Africa after spend- ing time there. It’s amazing how many African states/ territories are currently involved in a war or experi- encing post-war conflict and tension. The one getting most of the news of late is France battling to weed out al-Qaeda & its allies out of Mali. Last we checked, out of the 54 recognized states/territories in Africa, at least 17 were involved in some kind of war or conflict. • Over 30 South African gold companies, including big names such as AngloGold Ashanti, Goldfields and Harmony Gold, face class action litigation that alleges they knew of the dangers posed to miners by silica dust for more than a century.
• Deadly strikes left 44 dead at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine in South Africa highlight "structural problems" in the country which could damage investment, Fitch rating agency said.
It all makes you wonder why one would consider working/investing in Africa. Oh yes, there an opportunity staring right at us in all this turmoil?
With all the money governments are printing, gold bugs have been disappointed that the price of gold has not cata- pulted into the $2000 to $3000 range or higher. When you look at the 5 year chart, gold has been a great hedge against the markets, just not as much as the gold bugs would like as conspiracy theories abound. Now if you have invested in gold companies, you have truly been disappointed as they have in no way mirrored what gold has done as these charts show. Standard issues mining companies face include con- trolling costs, commodity price fluctuations and environ- mental issues to name but a few
(T-IMG) $8.74 +0.09 (T-SMF) $2.83 -0.03 (T-ORE) $1.58 -0.04 (V-RVS) $0.425 -0.01 (V-AGG) $0.17 -0.015 (T-VTR) $0.40 -0.02
One area of the world that used to be a hot bed for gold was Africa and African gold companies will likely continue to face severe challenges...where’s the bottom?
Mining industry big-wigs gather in Cape Town, South Africa this week between Feb 4th to 7th for the 19th an- nual “African Mining Indaba”, billed as the “world’s larg- est mining investment conference.” There will be a lot of discussion on social and environmental issues, so much so, due to the recent deterioration of conditions, the final day of the event is devoted to this.
According to US broker JP Morgan (JPM), Africa’s mining industry (specifically the South) is in crisis with its gold producers facing another tough year.
In an overview of the sector this past Monday, JPM said it can see few catalysts for a rise in the valuations of major South African gold miners even though it expects the price of gold to rise steadily over the year.
There’s a migration out of South Africa towards West Africa, even though it’s more virgin territory. While the grade of the gold in West Africa is not as high as in South Africa, there are other big advantages. Government rela- tions are better, labour conflicts are fewer, taxes and roy- alties are often lower and costs are more predictable.
Mining production in South Africa is falling steeply with a 13-per-cent decline last year alone and new inves- tors are looking to West Africa instead. Burkina Faso (West Africa) has a reputation for political stability with the same authoritarian government in power since 1987. But there could be cracks in that stability.
JPM expects the gold price to trade up toward $1,800/ oz by mid-year and average US$1,763 over the year. When we asked our Nicholas Campbell what his thoughts were on a recent report from Credit Suisse that discussed, “Gold, the end of an era?” he doesn’t buy it. Nicholas tells us, “I don’t really think it is an end of the era for gold. If anything, we continue to see everybody trying to devalue their currencies and that should be supportive for gold.
The other thing is Central Banks continue to be signifi- cant net buyers of gold and again, that’s going to have an impact in the gold market. There is a lot of physical gold that’s going to get moved around in the next year or so, as an example, you have Germany repatriating all or most of its gold. That suggests to me that gold is in demand. Now can gold go down? Absolutely it can. Are we going to see new highs this year? I don’t know, but generally speaking the whole reason why we’ve been bullish on gold has been because of the amount of money that’s been pumped into the system.
The other aspect is obviously the devaluation of cur- rencies in general and improved outlook for gold as an alternative currency which I think is supported by the Central Banks continuing to add to their holdings.
Some African specific issues include:
• “He who has the biggest gun has the power”. This is why one of my clients in the Canadian military won’t go near anything associated with Africa after spend- ing time there. It’s amazing how many African states/ territories are currently involved in a war or experi- encing post-war conflict and tension. The one getting most of the news of late is France battling to weed out al-Qaeda & its allies out of Mali. Last we checked, out of the 54 recognized states/territories in Africa, at least 17 were involved in some kind of war or conflict. • Over 30 South African gold companies, including big names such as AngloGold Ashanti, Goldfields and Harmony Gold, face class action litigation that alleges they knew of the dangers posed to miners by silica dust for more than a century.
• Deadly strikes left 44 dead at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine in South Africa highlight "structural problems" in the country which could damage investment, Fitch rating agency said.
It all makes you wonder why one would consider working/investing in Africa. Oh yes, there an opportunity staring right at us in all this turmoil?
onsdag 6 februari 2013
CPM group tror på lägre silverpris fram till 2022
CPM Group: Lower Prices and the Potential Bull Trap1

CPM Group has made some assessments about the silver market that many investors will not like. The firm recently updated7 its Silver Long-Term Outlook, which gazes out to 2022, presenting an argument for weaker silver prices over that period. The firm also released a report8 that suggests many investors may currently be at risk of getting caught in a bull trap.
Silver has been trending lower since April 2011, when “hype” pushed prices to $49, according to CPM Group. Prices plunged the following month and have traded between $26 and $36 since September 2011.
Get the latest Silver Investing News articles delivered to your email inbox. Learn more9
Recently, silver has not performed as many market participants insist that it should. The strong price action that is supposed to be seen at times of heightened economic risk has often failed to materialize. But some market observers continue to hypothesize that silver prices will head higher, CPM Group’s report states.
Long-term silver outlook
Silver investors were net sellers for well over a decade. CPM Group notes that since 2006, economic and financial crises have fueled interest and investors have been net buyers.
“The single most important question facing future silver prices is how much silver investors will want to buy going forward — or whether they might revert to long-term selling as they did only a few years ago,” the firm said.
CPM Group claims to have identified several emerging trends in the market that could result in wobbly investment demand over the next decade and may weigh on prices going forward. Using this information, the firm makes a case for lower silver prices over the next decade.
Its assessment points to developments that have reduced silver demand over the past decade, including higher silver prices and technological advancements such as digital imaging and smaller electronic components. There is also the possibility that a substantial amount of silver mine production capacity may be added over the next 10 years.
Beware of the silver bull trap
In a recent market note, CPM Group addressed the current state of the silver market, warning that seasonal strength could result in a bull trap.
In early January, silver could be found below $30. Moderate price increases seen later in the month, together with marketing hype, reignited bullish sentiment among some investors, the firm said.
Peddling concern about a supply shortage is one of the tactics that these “marketing hypesters” are using. To help lend credibility to their story, they point to the fact that the US Mint temporarily suspended10 the sale of the 2013 Silver Eagles after the coins sold out last month. Once sales recommenced, January ended with 7,498,000 coins sold. That all-time monthly high provides fodder for the portrayal of the marketplace as raging with demand for physical silver.
CPM Group notes that it was all simply a ripple effect. The Mint estimates annual production. Last year, fiscal cliff talks sparked a surge in demand that was especially notable in November. When December rolled around, the 2012 Silver Eagle sold out. The 2013 coin was then released into a market with pent-up demand, so it too sold out.
CPM Group points to an ample supply of good delivery bars to meet surging purchases by ETFs and COMEX-registered depositories. The firm notes that there was a 19.4-million-ounce increase in silver ETFs on January 16. Yet there were no delivery disruptions reported.
“All of this talk about a shortage of silver is irrational and not supported by readily available market data,” the report states.
Silver is produced in 242 mines located in 38 countries, the firm notes. Furthermore, the firm calculates that 27 billion ounces of silver exist above ground. 90 percent is held by individuals in forms such as jewelry, silverware and decorative items. The balance is in the form of investment products. All of this metal is theoretically available for sale to investors.
“Conspiracy theorists” try to get listeners to imagine scenarios that CPM Group suggests are quite far fetched. Popular among them is a situation where all investors demand delivery of the silver they hold through ETFs, banks and futures contracts.
While CPM Group admits that this “unlikely phenomenon would obviously push prices higher,” the firm also points out that such a scenario implies a situation where the market is devoid of sellers.
“This is why every bubble has burst, because at some point, those buyers become sellers.”
The firm warns that extreme scenarios concocted by silver marketing groups should never be the basis for rational investing.
Short-term silver outlook
Seasonal strengths in investment and fabrication demand pushed prices higher in January and some other factors could drive prices up later in February. But they are minor and do not represent convincing justifications for expectations that prices will rise significantly higher in the longer term, the firm believes.
Between now and March, prices could reach the $34 to $36 level. CPM Group notes that there is often an elevated level of congestion in the market ahead of COMEX March futures expiry, a result of seasonal demand strength.
“Should a run up in prices occur before this period, silver prices could drop shortly thereafter, possibly toward $26,” the firm said.
Securities Disclosure: I, Michelle Smith, do not hold equity interests in any of the companies mentioned in this article.
tisdag 5 februari 2013
Presentation av NGEx på näringslivets hus
CEO på NGEx genomgång av bolagets februari 2013 presentation som också redan borde finnas tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida.
3 guld-koppar projekt
1. Los Helados i Chile
2. Josemaria i Argentina
3. Filo del Sol på gränsen mellan Chile/Argentina
Bolaget gjorde en finansiering för ca 1 månad sedan, så man har 40 mcad i kassan.
Bra infrastruktur runt alla tre upptäckterna.
Los Helados:
stor fyndighet av guld-silver-koppar men med låg halt. 11 moz guld, 100 moz silver, 8 miljoner ton koppar (0,42% koppar).
Mineraliseringen är öppen åt alla håll samt på djupet.
Likadant här låg grads fyndighet. 7,5 moz guld, 3,5 Miljoner ton koppar (0,38% koppar)
Filo del Sol:
I ett tidigare stadie än de andra två. Ingen uppskattning av resurserna än.
Några borrhål från 2012 med 97.6 m @ 1,45% koppa och 36 m @ 393,7 g/ton Au
3 guld-koppar projekt
1. Los Helados i Chile
2. Josemaria i Argentina
3. Filo del Sol på gränsen mellan Chile/Argentina
Bolaget gjorde en finansiering för ca 1 månad sedan, så man har 40 mcad i kassan.
Bra infrastruktur runt alla tre upptäckterna.
Los Helados:
stor fyndighet av guld-silver-koppar men med låg halt. 11 moz guld, 100 moz silver, 8 miljoner ton koppar (0,42% koppar).
Mineraliseringen är öppen åt alla håll samt på djupet.
Likadant här låg grads fyndighet. 7,5 moz guld, 3,5 Miljoner ton koppar (0,38% koppar)
Filo del Sol:
I ett tidigare stadie än de andra två. Ingen uppskattning av resurserna än.
Några borrhål från 2012 med 97.6 m @ 1,45% koppa och 36 m @ 393,7 g/ton Au
Northland verkar körd nu
Northland ställer in emissioner
Publicerad 2013-02-05 09:21:00
Aktie Gruvbolaget Northland Resources föll cirka 30 procent i den inledande handeln i Oslo på tisdagen. Detta sedan bolaget meddelat att det har beslutat att ställa in den tidigare aviserade aktieemissionen på 250 miljoner dollar och även obligationsemissionen på 125 miljoner dollar.
Bolaget fortsätter att samtala med investerare, inklusive obligationsinnehavare, kreditgivare och andra aktieägare, för att kunna presentera en hållbar långsiktig finansiell lösning, heter det i ett pressmeddelande.
"Det har blivit tydligt för bolaget och dess rådgivare Arctic Securities och Pareto Securities att bolaget inte är i en ställning att kunna slutföra emissionerna vid utgången av teckningsperioden", skriver Northland.
Northland skriver vidare att det kommer att uppdatera marknaden när mer information inkommer.
Bolagets styrelseordförande Anders Hvide avböjer att kommentera pressmeddelandet när norska nyhetsbyrån TDN Finans når honom:
"Nu har du fått pressmeddelandet. Utöver det har vi ingen kommentar", säger han och lägger sedan på luren.
Artikeln - Northland ställer in emissioner
Ja Northland verkar körd. Läste på nåt forum kommentarer att Avanza var stor nettoköpare runt Northlands utbombade nivå på ca 0,6 nok. Kursen nu är 0,73 med dagslägsta 0,52 NOK.
Jag skulle själv inte ta i Northland med tång just nu, men det beror till största del på att jag bränt mig på småbolag i Canada, likt Northland, fast ädelmetaller som Cream Minerals. Och den stora belåningen gör att jag inte har pengar för Northland ens om jag ville, vilket jag inte vill ens.
En viktig poäng är att det som ser billigt ut kan vara dyrt. Det gäller att kunna räkna på situationen, som nu i fallet Northland, hur stor blir utspädningen om de får ihop en nyemission, till vilken kurs kommer en eventuell nyemission att göras, vilket järnmalmspris räknar man nu med framöver och hur mycket har kostnaderna för projektet ökat. Det gäller att kunna räkna hem åtminstone en långsikt investering. Självklart kan det gå att göra snabba korta trades på Northland nu men då bör man vara erfaren för att lyckas.
Bolaget fortsätter att samtala med investerare, inklusive obligationsinnehavare, kreditgivare och andra aktieägare, för att kunna presentera en hållbar långsiktig finansiell lösning, heter det i ett pressmeddelande.
"Det har blivit tydligt för bolaget och dess rådgivare Arctic Securities och Pareto Securities att bolaget inte är i en ställning att kunna slutföra emissionerna vid utgången av teckningsperioden", skriver Northland.
Northland skriver vidare att det kommer att uppdatera marknaden när mer information inkommer.
Bolagets styrelseordförande Anders Hvide avböjer att kommentera pressmeddelandet när norska nyhetsbyrån TDN Finans når honom:
"Nu har du fått pressmeddelandet. Utöver det har vi ingen kommentar", säger han och lägger sedan på luren.
Artikeln - Northland ställer in emissioner
Ja Northland verkar körd. Läste på nåt forum kommentarer att Avanza var stor nettoköpare runt Northlands utbombade nivå på ca 0,6 nok. Kursen nu är 0,73 med dagslägsta 0,52 NOK.
Jag skulle själv inte ta i Northland med tång just nu, men det beror till största del på att jag bränt mig på småbolag i Canada, likt Northland, fast ädelmetaller som Cream Minerals. Och den stora belåningen gör att jag inte har pengar för Northland ens om jag ville, vilket jag inte vill ens.
En viktig poäng är att det som ser billigt ut kan vara dyrt. Det gäller att kunna räkna på situationen, som nu i fallet Northland, hur stor blir utspädningen om de får ihop en nyemission, till vilken kurs kommer en eventuell nyemission att göras, vilket järnmalmspris räknar man nu med framöver och hur mycket har kostnaderna för projektet ökat. Det gäller att kunna räkna hem åtminstone en långsikt investering. Självklart kan det gå att göra snabba korta trades på Northland nu men då bör man vara erfaren för att lyckas.
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Ökat SHB och H&M9 år sedan
Bästa småbolagsportföljen 2016!9 år sedan
Över 1 år sedan senaste inlägget9 år sedan
Enkla aktieportföljen9 år sedan
Inköp Union Pacific Railroad & OHI9 år sedan
Några portföljjusteringar10 år sedan
Årsredovisning - Balansräknaren 201410 år sedan
Inköp Vardia10 år sedan
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Populära inlägg
När Vardia släppte dåliga siffror igår som inkluderade högre kostnader än vad som tidigare uppgivits, en stor förlust för Q4 2014 och akut ...
CEO Solomon Lee presenterade idag företaget hos Penser. Tyngden i presentationen var att Solomon visade massor av bilder på utvecklingen...
Ägamintid är en bloggare som har en rejäl portion av den amerikanska banken Citigroup i sin portfölj. Jag har själv plockat in aktien ...
Degiro kommer konkurrera främst med lågt courtage till skillnad mot Nordnet och Avanza med flera. Men jag fastnar ändå mer för att Degiro e...
För en liten tid sedan sällade jag mig till skaran av bloggare som äger aktier i Protector Forsikring. Jag köpte in mig på 27,50 NOK, före a...
Jag börjar med en liten titt på senaste presentationen från Yara som finns här , den från 2 december 2013 De skriver i presentationen a...
Börspoddens avsnitt 18 börjar med prata lite om förutsättningarna för 2014 och nämner bara för att konjunkturen blir bättre så behöver i...
Jag har en bekant som sen lång tid tillbaka äger en lägenhet i Spanien . Nu när han är pensionär så åker han till Spanien nästan 6 månader o...
Kort och kärnfull artikel i PA där där Lars-Erik Boström på Handelsbanken som nyligen skrivit bok om börsspykologi uttalar sig. "Enli...
Jag var på 40%20års föreläsning igår på KTH och i den tog han upp Mekonomen som exempel som han tittade på med Bö och att den...