
torsdag 22 maj 2014

Sino Agro Food utsett CFO

Jag läste nyss bloggrannen "Investera i aktier" som skrivit ett inlägg om att SIAF, under ledning av CEO Solomon Lee har utsett en kvinnlig CFO.

För mer detaljer se bloggrannen investera i aktiers inlägg här.

Det låter på CEO Solomon Lee som att det är en mycket kompetent person han har handplockat till posten:
“I am very confident that Ms. Lai is the right person to serve the Company at the right time. I look forward to the shareholders getting to know Ms. Lai as I have. Further, I look forward to her help in accomplishing our ongoing and future corporate initiatives, guided by the same perseverance leading to her hire.”

“Beyond Corporate level execution, operationally Ms. Lai’s expertise in supply chain management is a perfect fit for our subsidiary structure and vertically integrated business models.”

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