
torsdag 19 december 2013

Aurcanas Shafter gruva läggs på is

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Aurcanas Shafter gruvan läggs i Malpåsen - Aurcana's Shafter Project to be Placed on Care and Maintenance

"The Aurcana Board of Directors, after careful consideration and review of the development and mining options for the Shafter Project under current economic conditions and low silver prices, has elected to put the Shafter Project on "care and maintenance"

"Aurcana is planning to initiate an exploration program designed to test targets within Shafter's known mineralized areas in further detail, to help determine whether additional higher grade mineralization can be delineated. Aurcana geologists have identified areas of interest to justify such a program."

Lenic Rodriguez, Aurcana's President and CEO, states "Aurcana's management and its board of directors are very disappointed that in spite of many of our employees' best efforts, the prevailing economic conditions, in particular low silver prices, have caused the Company to suffer significant losses from the Shafter Project's operations, resulting in an unsustainable drain on the Company's treasury. We wish to thank all our employees and stakeholders for their efforts and support."

As a result of the decision to place the Shafter Project on care and maintenance, the Company has determined that it will not immediately proceed with the planned updated resource estimate on the Shafter Project which was referenced in the Company's news release dated December 12, 2013.

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