
tisdag 4 juni 2013

Dagens late edition om guldproducenter

Paradigm Capital recently did a piece on how gold compa- nies could and should cut costs that have gotten out of con- trol. Their suggestions:

       1. Suppliers are going to be replaced if they            don’t come up With better prices.

  1.   Services like drilling costs will also be more closely monitored.
  2. Improved Productivity—Remove the ‘fat’ - something you hear from most companies.
  3. Raising Grades Mined—by producing from the sweet spots within the good grades.
  4. They are being helped by currencies as commodity- based currencies such as the Canadian dollar, the AUD, and the South African rand, have dropped versus the American dollar.
  5. Labor—which has become rather expensive (but trained miners are still hard to find), that will have to expect fewer raises and will have to do more in the coming years.
  6. Operators will simply defer some spending that might have been done before.
  7. Many operators will simply have to cut exploration costs until times get better. 

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